I threw you out of my heart already..
Hello Guys! Im back.. As Always..
Thats from Dark Ranger in WC.. But nvm, A lot of things happened today..
Went for FAC, Ran a lot.. And SR Came! I cant believe it.. He stopped his IDC Attitude..
Then Literature came.. Mr Noor's Lessons ARE INTERESTING! WOOTS! Was talking about different kinds of stuff like dota and etc. We even talked about rumors in school such as ms Crystal Ling.. Lollies.. Not telling you now..
Then CL.. Teacher was late.. So bla bla bla.. My Chinese is dying! GRRR! I should blame that because of choir.. Too much practices = Too little time study
This is my plan for me to succeed:
99% less Choir = 100% Good results.
Wow! Wasnt That Funny?
Then Got music.. It was so fun! I went with my group to present and stuff.. The people in my class liked our presentation! WOOTS!
3 Cheers For Me, XW, Charlotte, SH and Bryan!
Oh then got physics... AHH BORING! PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS... BOO... Javier never come.. So...Unacceptable.. Solo experiment today..
I CANT TIE A DEAD KNOT! GRRR ... Then MR tang dont help me.. At the end i give up.. Ask winnie for answer for distance then take out calculator to do my maths..
HAHA! Physics owned by maths... Just some maths = 100% Physics.
Then Got HS... Mr eswaran... Unacceptable today.. He was MC again.. Then skipped tis whole week's HS Lesson... BOOO! But nevermind, when had free time, Jia Wei told us got some AceS Day.. then must run.. I immediately say, '' Can i go on MC? '' Lollies!
Then got maths.. The questions are so ok... but still dont understand the area formulae.. Need to study for tomorrow's test!
Well Gotta go now... But i shall post a phrase that is evil today.. ( Found in AXN )
'' If being mean makes you stronger, why not? ''