Hey. Sorry for the foul mood yesterday~ I was seriously Pissed. Anyways, RECAP!
- Assembly was converted to Geog! WOOTS! I <3 MRS KOK! Her lessons are super interesting ;D. She teach very nice, and her handwriting improved ;D! Talked to Shaz and Ying Shun through paper messages, and we had so much fun!
- Science: Began introduction of light. Seriously, looking at it, I cant be bothered with Physics. But Miss Tan looks like a good teacher. Maybe Art is boring after all =/.
Described properties and blah blah blah. OR YEAH, LAWS OF REFLECTION <3.
- Recess: Ate Economical Rice stall, I think .. ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I LAST ATE THAT HOTDOG ROLL. =C.
- Maths: Started with 3.2 I think? Sorry, bad memory since its already like.. So long ago?! Wait, it was go through answers i think =D. Got all correct ;D. I just cant express my love for algebra in words.
- EL: Went through the expedition essay by which whether Professional Soccer Players are paid too much. Gotta go through the slides, MISS LING ROCKS! And then hadda do planning, but was spared because we had to do debate discussion, assignment of roles and etc!
- GG: Geog again! OH YEAH! We started it with the question to Brandon, over the rate of growth I think.. Then managed to finish more than what we did for first period!
- CE: Had to do this worksheet by which that we have to write down how do we express our feelings, like being happy or sad. Quite fun though ;D.
- CL: Went through the text. Nothing much. Had paper conversation with Shaz and YS again ;D.
- Lit: Went through more on Shakespeare ;D.
Here comes the daunting part!
- Went for chinese tuition. Hougang ._. Because I went up the escalator the wrong way, thus i had to walk through this deserted area to go to the other side. Then got this Indian guy stalking me. I tried to hasten my steps, but he caught up and he asked whether I was in Maris Stella. He say he attended my concert and etc. Wanted to tell him that I was in UG which was totally a lie, thus I decided i should not. Then, I decided to ignore me. He asked where I was going, and whats my name and stuff. I didn't want to reply but he called me a scaredy cat. BITCH! Luckily, a group of policemen decided to be my knights in shining armor as they had to do patrol. Upon looking at them, he ran away. WHOS A SCAREDY CAT NOW?! Then, went for tuition!
- I entered the centre, and my teacher was looking at me with those 'OMG! You're finally back ' type of eyes! She seemed so delihgted =]. Sounded like pure divination, but still it was heartwarming to go back to my centre =]. As i was there early, I wanted to walk around. It REALLY changed a lot. I remembered that time when I was p6, I had a room for Maths,Science and English tuition. It now turned into a classroom for kindergarden kids. I remembered that time I had chinese tuition in that room, it turned into a bigger classroom for lectures =]. Ah, good old times.
- Went to look through the articles, and my analysis skills didnt deteriorate much! The teacher was surprised though o.o. But she smiled at me =D.
- Started the day with ECKERT! Oh gosh, the Art lessons are totally getting more and more boring, although we had a bit of hands-on work!
- Science: Went through answers for homework, went through a bit of slides, and more homework =.=. BUT MR TANG ROCKS ;D
- Recess: Talked with Sean about some stuff.
- EL : Miss Wong started to teach! She is SOO soft! But still, she is reading through the slides which I thought was quite boring! But since we are so determined to help her! WE all paid attention ;D. She actually is quite engaging! Asked around for people's names and stuff, to answer questions or for introduction ;D
- CL : Went through chinese text.
- Geog: WOOTS, Double Period! The perfect time to slack and etc. Finished Chapter 2 at last! I didnt really have any problems as Mrs Kok always saved the day! She gave a bit of hint to our SA2 paper so fast alr ;D. And people had to leave halfway for a dance competition, and people were complaining about the fact that they want to stay to learn more from Mrs Kok's class! (Y)
- CE: Continued with the expression thing, went through the levels of friendship ( which i would post my feelings for it ).
- Cohort Learning: It was more of Cohort Experience! and Miss Yeo gave a really heartwarming speech of which that she understood our cohort the most because we all came at the same time! In my opinion, shes the best amongst the vice principals! And then Miss Tan asked us to write something good about everyone in the class. It was quite a good experience. Definitely memorable ;D.
- Started with HE! Mdm Liang was complaining our class to be slow, dont know how to cut the chicken and etc. But still, a wonderful first time experience because the chicken was quite nice~. Although i didnt ate it, cant bear to eat the food i eat!
- Recess: Talked to sean again.
- LSS: Went to Science Lab to experiment on the Law of Reflection. Quite interesting. But Mr tang said we dont know how read, which is quite weird. But nevermind ;D.
- Maths: WOOTS! Maths like finally! It was one of the periods i cant wait for everyday! Started on 3.3! Its so fun !!
- CL: Was commended! I finished my compo in the time limit of class period, and that she said that I was the person who improved the most for compo =D. But still, people STILL CANT FREAKING KNOW MY CHINESE NAME >=C.
- ESP: Went through some stuff like videos, and more VOCAB!
New phrase: Modus Operandi.
- Literature! Gotta prepare a drama or a presentation for the scenes. Went to rehearse and the scene we chose sounds SOO wrong.
- English : Went through of comprehension. And OMG, Miss Wong possesses such a good memory! She remembered 3/4 of class names now!!
-Recess: Burger ! =D
- GG: I just love Geog! Went through homework!
- Maths: Went through homework, and then been given mini quiz =D. And then, got a whole stack of homework. Oh me gosh.
- ICT: Was really damn joker. Went facebook, a bit of photoshop and you know.. Slack!
Then choir, games day ;D. Went to jog around the field and then played captains ball!
Then played Badminton!
There, bold and italised for diana!
But rowena was injured, so yeah.
Weekends: Nothing much but homework-ing so not much to post.
Oh yeah, changed playlist. Enjoy =].