Gah. My results are going down. I really needa buck up. I still can make it! I remember Miss Teresa Lin tell the class : " Two weeks before mid year, still can make it de. "
Ah, all those inspirational words.
REALLY had total fun with Joyce and Randy ;D. We went singing for the auditions. Pretty cool I guess ;D.
- Because God Blessed the Broken Road, that Led Me Straight To You. -
And now I made real good friends like today ^^. This is gonna be so memorable, even if I make it to sing for Teacher's Day.
Okay, so planned out my Study Table. To recap what to study. And that I plan to start by today, but I'm celebrating my Aunt's Bday at Central ^^.
Then went to buy ______ for you. Sigh, sorry if I really cant do that for you. Real busy. I'll try my best though ^.^. Only like 5 people know who I ____. But still,
- I love the way you lie <3 -
Just received Joyce's sms. That was really sweet ;D.
Gosh, Just read this really HURTING POST in FB.
Firstly, please do not say that "Express" has bad mouth. Sorry to say this, what about your friends? To say this crudely, you're in Normal. And there are reasons for it. I've never trusted any of you. But of course, there are some who go in and out. And my impressions would change. And its obvious that you like him. SO WHAT? Posting on his wall nearly everyday. PLEASE. I check his wall everyday just for fun and FB-hopping.
- Will I be sober? -