Monday, July 8, 2013


JC life has been hectic, yet fun, for me. It has been an incredible journey in NYJC. Here's to the new friends that I've made, the experiences that we shared together as one and the knowledge that our teachers have passed on to us. It's been great, allowing myself to set free from my troubled social past and move on to the wonderful environment that I've been blessed with.

Maybe it's me just being more content with whatever that I have right now. Maybe it's the lessons learnt in the past that have made me reflect on my actions every single day. But no matter what, I'm glad to have met everyone in my life right now, starting with my fellow OGMs, classmates, CCA-mates and teachers. Life's been tough, with all the tests and exams. But it's encouraging to press on whenever I see my teachers taking the extra mile just to help us in anyway they possibly can. It's motivating to see peers supporting one another in whatever that they're doing. I kinda like the environment here now, free from all the dramas that used to haunt me.