Hi! This post is for all the Sec 3 in choir. For gratitude of course.
Yanyee : Thanks for helping me and giving me advice in like school and choir. You really helped me a lot like not to mess up my notes and etc. Thanks!
Annabel : Hi there senior :) Thanks for telling us useful info. in choir and etc. And not only that, YOU BOND WITH US! I hope that we can play more puzzles! You have the choir spirit, girl!
Gretel : Hello President =). Thanks for helping me in council and talk to each other about Mr Liew and etc. Thanks for teaching us the dance moves and playing the piano. You have the potential to be a conductor! Good luck for Os next year!
Joanne : Hi senior!Thanks for the guiding of notes to me in choir and able to spot my mistakes that i have sung in choir. Thanks
Karin: Thanks for you being humble to me and enlightening my spirits in choir!
Jeraldyn: Thanks for you being very kind and passionate, and always like enlighten me too.