Sigh, September Holidays seemed fast. LIKE REALLY FAST. It seemed that yesterday was still Monday! Argh. I'm not really upset over that. I only studied physics and Geog and a bit of Chinese D:. My MATHS. MY POOR POOR MATHS! When am I gonna sit somewhere and start doing it like there's no tomorrow. Gah, I really need assessment books for Maths as the TB seems pretty easy :D.
Well, I've been playing comp LOADS LOADS LOADS and that I didnt have enough time to sleep. Its so hard to set my biological clock back to the start. But the good thing about this holiday :
- Met New Friends :D
- Sms-ed and Talked More :D.
Once today finishes, I dont think I can use the computer that much already! Maybe 1h a day? Well, I should be content compared to some other people who maybe cant touch the comp forever. BUT IM WORRIED ABOUT THE STRESS LOAD D:. It seems like its gonna multiply by 2 per second D:. I have to really buck up. I remember Miss Lin told me, 2 weeks still can make it de :D. So i shall start from TMR. I shall resist all the temptations, including you my dear blog D:.