Hey, I know its been like ages since I last blogged! Was busy catching up with my hwk! :D.
The concert on Sunday was okay.. Just that my spectacles slipped right down my face and i nearly cried while wearing contacts! But I was like super touched when I heard cheers from the audiences ESP those screaming my name! Thanks a lot people :D. I <3 you all too ! :D. Sigh, will I be able to finish my hwk on time? D:. I wanna go KBOX! I'm like desperate for it! It's been ages since I last went to one! Oh well! D:. Nothing much to post these few days D:. I shall make a promise to myself! I will NOT buy 'I Am... Sasha Fierce', 'Pink Friday' or '4' UNTIL I finish my homework! :D.
I kinda broke down on Monday.
Reflecting everything that I went through.
This game's a torture,
but I'm liking it too.
I feel masochistic.
Sometimes I just feel like giving up.
But I know I can't.
I don't wanna be the reason why Ke$ha wrote 'The Harold Song'.
And once again,
I thought about pain.
I miss everything about you.
I glanced at you during the rehearsal.
I have to say,
You look pretty in that costume.
Can you just stop whatever you're doing to me?
I'm already bleeding and crying my heart out to you.
And I remembered something.
I apologized when giving you that present.
Can I unapologize?
I meant every word I said.
I can't possibly take them back now.
I hope you heard me right.
Should I try to build up this friendship once again?
Some people told me to give up,
but I just couldn't let myself to do so.
Thanks to those who comforted me.
And Thanks to those who listened.
I appreciate it.