Anyway, it's about 2 days to 'O's and I'll be lying if I say that I'm prepared, especially for English. But I'm trying my best to squeeze out time to write a few more compositions and answer more comprehension questions so that I'll be able to overcome the English Paper on Monday, hopefully.
Attempted to write a few compositions today, and I feel blessed to have a brother around me, especially when his English standard is much better than mine. Went through with him a few compositions that I wrote, and I'm quite contented with my performance so far, but there are MANY AFIs to look into, which was quite shocking since I just got to know them today.
Did 2 Amaths Papers today as well! Maybe because I felt sleepy after flipping through the Textbook on the topic of 'Rivers', and Maths makes me HAPPY (:. I love the feeling whenever I manage to complete questions on Geometrical Proofs and Trigo Proof because it's really based on your luck, whether you manage to use the suitable formula to solve the question! And it can be disheartening at times, especially when you stare at the question and are dumbfounded by the diagrams the question offers, or even the number of marks it weighs.. But if one can persevere and solve it, the feeling of achievement is PRICELESS (:.
Argh. I'm having this odd feeling that my sentence structures for this post are going haywire. It feels weird typing them out.. Sigh, gotta try to type in proper English! 2 more days ):.
Anyway, the clock strikes twelve now, and that means that I have to sleep! Goodnight, and to the Sec 4s who're reading this post, ALL THE BEST FOR 'O's! It's either now, or never (:
Maybe I'm just being over-sensitive.
But I'm starting to not understand you anymore.