Saturday, January 10, 2015

Almost Morning.

When no one understands your breaking ground.

There'll always be days when you find yourself surrounded by darkness and nothing but silence. Maybe I'm just speaking metaphorically, but almost all of us should have had days when we felt all by ourselves - alone and lonely. It is times like these when we ask ourselves, should we continue to brave the storm or succumb to it? Because it'll certainly feel easier to just stop trying and give up everything that you've been working so hard for, especially when you've lost your vision along the way.

But trust me, I know that feeling. It feels like you're tired of everything in life. Tired of fighting, tired of holding on, or even tired of doing nothing at all. Maybe it really feels like there's no one by your side right now. But I can assure you, there are. You may be alone, but you're never lonely even when you're lost in the shadows. Use the darkness as your guide and let the light in. Being alone may not feel like the greatest feeling in the world, but it gives you the opportunity to reflect and find solumn in everything that you do. Once again, let the light in. Because once you have managed to reflect and envision what's up ahead in the tunnel right ahead again, use the darkness to find the light and take it further from there.

You can do it. The night will cover your eyes. Voices will tell you lies. Stones will slow your feet down and circles will turn you around. But the day that you've been waiting for will arrive when the counting ends. So muster a bit of courage and proceed further. Because you may only be slightly away from your goal. Let your heart speak for itself, and you'll know what to do then.

You were ready and you still are. You have all that it takes. And now, you just have to believe in yourself to do the incredible things that you've once imagined.

Just believe me.