Self respect. Do we show it enough? Do we care for our own just as well as what we expect others to do for us? Sometimes, it's really hard to say yes because of the actions that we commit. There may have been times when a better judgement would lead to a greater conclusion, but did we think of the consequences first before acting? I once chose the classic approach - to face with the problem directly. But no solution was found up till today. And then I chose to run, and it seems to be working. At least I feel free and happier to begin with. Running away seems to be the cowardly choice and it certainly doesn't show that I have self respect for myself. Simply because I didn't put in as much (or even any) hard work in dealing with the challenge as I probably should. And running away may mean that I've simply given up and deprived myself of an opportunity to find a resolution.
Honestly, if I could go back in time and have the opportunity to change everything again, I probably might have done the same thing even with hindsight in mind. Maybe running away seems to be the solution, even when it doesn't solve the problem entirely. At least it releases me from the chains that have bound me for far too long. At least it tells me that I still can be me again, instead of working on how I can change to fit in better.
What if I could have done things better. I'm pretty sure that my way of handling things isn't perfect, but I've been trying my best in improving what I can (or what I must). Anyway, it has been only a week into my teaching internship and I have already learnt so much. I must say that I had a rough start because the school's like a maze and it's difficult to navigate around. And I don't know why but, I used to have trouble trying to be strict at times and friendly outside the class. I tried working on it last week and I'm glad to say that I have made a significant amount of progress. I smiled more, frowned less and started to talk to the students more. Sometimes, it may seem like a memory because everything that you've done and seen in the past may come up again. Maybe I've been a naughty student once.. but oh well. Maybe's karma's coming back at me for what I have done in the past.. But no matter what, I should probably show more self-respect in the things that I do in the future..