If You Seek Amy.
YAY! My dear made me so touched :DDD. Her blog post is soo sweet of her :DDD. *wriggles fingers back* !!!
Gosh, the starting line totally describes me. I don't know whether you know the exact meaning. But yeah, DEAR KNOWS IT :DDD. Had this flu bug. When i like blew my nose, I just cried. And many sad memories just gushed into my small brain. Sigh, hoping all this would end right now. I guess not yet, as there's still a climax to whatever I'm facing now.. Had work today. Quite cool though. I like it!! Earn $$. And LOUD, Here I come =).
I <3 You.
What We Do Is Innocent.
Just for Fun and Nothing Meant.
If you don't like the company,
Let's just do it you and me.