Wednesday, November 18, 2009

~All I wish is that you would be at my side.. Yet you stood at my opposition..~

Ok.. Ima just leave a few more posts behind before i say goodbye to SG. I dont have time to reply tags now. So i will do that tomorrow.

An advice to those who wants to quit council :

I know that i am not in a position to say this, as i might get into trouble by the other councillors , the excos and the teachers. But then, the decisions are yours. Next year might be a very important for us all, especially when we have streaming. When you say that council can teach you to have more discipline and etc. I think that the CCA that are in performing arts and uniform groups can do that VERY much. So think about it, why do you want to quit? Council can change your life, and also changed mine. Into a worse one. Well, it depends on you.. Not to say so much, but council always give you loads of jobs to do and make you have less time to study = poor results. So i think that you all need good time management and if your parents dont agree to you, just try to tell them the reasons on how important next year is. That MIGHT work.

Well then i gtg, Byes!