Tuesday, February 15, 2011

'Cause In Your Eyes, I'll Like To Stay.

Total Defense Day today! :D. Had this assembly programme, which was quite boring, but the videos are nice! :D. Anyway, Don't know why ( perhaps I slept late last night ), I was super tired and Fell asleep in class X:. Not exactly, but going in and out of sleeping mode is really quite unintentional. SORRY MR TEO ><.

Anyway, continuing on to the Assembly, after the presentation, we were supposed to have this Rap competition, but Mr Chong said that there were time constraints and so it will be postponed. This is like a contradiction to the skit! Do we have the "I WILL" spirit! So now he's like indirectly saying that studies come first, and we shouldn't have this competition??

Common Test starts Tomorrow! I have to say, I am extremely nervous for both my SS and EL papers. There's always a first time in Sec 3! And Chemistry Class we learn 'A' level topics which was quite cool! And Mr Lim's Voice and Accent is SUPER NICE! Not that I'm gay or anything, but REALLY! IT'S NICE~~~~~~~~~~~.

HCL was okay, but I cant copy that fast cause I'm sleepy :/.
And EL! Went through my Situational Writing. Got like C6. OMG. Lucky it isnt the test! So I bucked up today and spent time revising it!

Spent like 6 hours studying SS and EL, after postponing my Chinese tuition. And I did some of my Maths HWK :D.

Well, I Got to Go! Needa Sleep! It's quite late! Nights!

I don't know what's happening.
But I just hope that you won't think of him instead of me.
Maybe it's just a crush.
Or just an infatuation.
But I'll see how.
I dragged too many people into this.
And I'm sorry to those people ):.

Trying to hold on,
Despite being afraid to see you today.
Maybe you haven't figure it all out yet.
But one day I know you will.
Me <3 You.