Thursday, September 8, 2011

That's why there's something called once in a blue moon.

If we knew things would happen then, would we be able to see/prevent it? They may only come once in a while, starts to knock on your door and throws you a smile. Even though it may take every breath, and leave every scar behind, but we'll all miss it if we don't realize the small and minute incidents that occur around us. It's good dreaming to soar high, but don't forget that little platform that others have made to support you whenever you fall. No matter what we do, speak from your heart, and sing from your soul. I don't want to have something for eternity, even if I survive as an immortal. I just want to have that moment. That moment of honesty, the time when everything comes and goes, and allows you to feel it happening.

We may have been clueless about how many chances that we've took or the number of apologies that we've said. But if another opportunity comes by, I'll be glad to take it, even if I know that I will leave in disappointment. Because I won't live in a world of regret, tormenting myself over something that I didn't even try. We may not get back our chances, or redeem ourselves with forgiveness, but at least cherish whatever that we have right now, especially those around us.

Make every opportunity last long, and seek to find more in the present/future. Take them for granted, and you'll find them disappearing sooner than what you can imagine, like in just a blink of an eye. We were young, and we were restless. Just like clueless kids, thinking that days would pass by happily, without noticing anything else that's happening at the same time. But if I knew then, will I know now?

My apologies for that emotional post just now. Watched Smurfs with Dad, Mortal, JY and Faithful Neighbor just a few days ago. Although it was a cute and hilarious movie, I feel that there're countless messages implemented into it. I think I should treasure every single person I have in my life, especially my friends. I know that most of them will be there guiding me, as well as me guiding them, whenever we need it..

Anyway, been studying/doing homework and playing computer at the same time these days. It's like extremely sad knowing that the September holidays is coming to a halt soon. But looking at the bright side, at least I managed to discover something that's priceless over this season and serve myself a wake up call in whatever that I'm currently doing.

There's 2E1'10 gathering tomorrow. And I am indeed joyful being able to attend it. It's been too long - 8 months since I've last seen us together as a class, making witty jokes and having countless memorable times with one another. They were right, we were bonded. Not talking bad about my class this year, but I feel that there's something amiss. Something that's lacking as compared with 2E1'10. They may not have been that smart, but they weren't exactly conservative, and definitely not way over conservative. That's the difference between the two years.. She was right, we were being selfish with one another. Focusing only on ourselves and not on the environment around us. That's the main reason why we're falling like dominoes recently.

I think there's nothing in my mind now. I feel confused, and tired at the same time. Maybe I should just take a nap, and prepare myself for an enjoyable day later.

It feels like tonight.
But I can't believe that I'm broken inside.
Thinking that what you did to me,
and what I did to you.
I'm ready to feel again,
without the fear of falling down.
There's nothing I can do though,
even if I wanna make it up to you.

If I were a little bit stronger, 
my world would be crashing at my feet now.