but there's nothing left to say.
It's been a while since I last posted a picture in my blog. I'm loving Leona on her new record, "Glassheart". I think that it's a huge improvement from "Echo". Currently addicted to the ballads in the album..
Anyway, I think I'm falling more deeply in love with British pop! It was perhaps just Leona Lewis at first, and there came the Wanted as well as Rita Ora and Jessie J. Oh, and Adele too! British ballads are so much more emotional than the American ones in general these days.. Ah. Listening to Leona Lewis' "Lovebird" and falling in love with it even more with each passing second!
Moving on, HK has been great! Managed to visit Yuen Long for the wife's cakes as well as the renowned Snow Ice shop there (:. Oishi! Simply delectable! But the process of finding the shops were gruesome and had to depend heavily on GPS and Google Map to navigate myself around. thank god for data plan (:. The monthly plan is quite cheap here, definitely affordable for me!
Went to a nearby shopping centre to shop. Had this urge to purchase gifts but resisted. And now I'm regretting it! There's this toy that I've been wanting to get for someone and I can't seem to spot it anywhere else. Looks like I've to go back and get it ):. But it's really cool! It's something like an updated version of the Neocube..
Visited Tsim Sha Tsui the next day. Nothing has changed there, apart from the shops! It is still one of the most crowded places in HK (:. And finally, I've managed to grab a bite of one of HK's delicacies after days of searching - the renowned Egg cupcake (copied from a street stall that displayed its English name). It's sold in Singapore too, but they're not comparable to the ones here! And then I've visited one of the most famous dessert shops in town to have a taste of my favorite dessert - Mango sago served with Pomelo, a dash of coconut juice and a scoop of mango ice cream right on the centre of the bowl (:. Headed to the nearby shopping centreS ( 's' is capitalized for a reason ) and found my feet aching after 5 hours of walking around without any rest. Visited the 'Mark&Spencer' outlet next and little did I know that they actually sell food products too (:. Spent about S$50 buying Christmas gifts for my friends in Singapore on shortbread and chocolates (:.
Proceeded to the Ferry Pier to have dinner with my entire family before heading home! The food was mediocre for me, especially when they were being served by the restaurant. Managed to catch up with my cousins and teased my female cousin A LOT because of her height ^^. Teehee!
Ah. I miss Singapore's food. I miss all of the local delicacies like our famous Chicken rice etc. OH AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I MISS THE CHILLI THERE ):. It's sweet and really spicy there, unlike the salty and mild chillis here ):. Oh well. Gotta suck it all up. But the food here's really good too (:.
Gotta go now. Sorry for the abrupt post once more. Bye (:
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